By Rhonda Johansson
No sex drive? Tired all the time? Bad breath? You may have a vitamin deficiency
“Not now, honey. I’ve got a headache.” If this isn’t an excuse anymore — if you really do have a headache and feeling less than amorous lately, you could have a vitamin deficiency. How about that halitosis? Do plants turn brown when you talk to them? Look at your nails. See any white spots on them? […]
By Michelle Simmons
Are you feeding your brain the right nutrients? Folate, vitamins B12, C, E, and D are crucial for mental health
Feeding your brain the right nutrients, such as folate, and vitamins B12, C, E, and D are crucial for mental health. In a review, it was found that patients with the chronic mental disorder schizophrenia have low levels of these nutrients. A team of researchers from the University of Manchester, Belgium’s KU Leuven University, and […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Preventing Alzheimer’s may be as easy as eating these 5 common foods
Alzheimer’s disease is an insidious illness; often developing without indication and leaving patients and families alike with a heavy burden. The latest statistics reveal that around five million Americans currently live with the disease. This number is estimated to peak at 16 million by 2050. The Alzheimer’s Association calculates that someone in the United States […]
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