President Trump
By Ethan Huff
Trump credits Big Pharma for “miraculous” recovery, completely neglects to mention zinc and vitamin D he was taking
After just three short days at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, President Trump was back in the White House touting his “miraculous” recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19), crediting Big Pharma while saying absolutely nothing about the vitamin D and zinc he also took as part of his recovery. Pandering to senior citizens less […]
By Ethan Huff
Trump condemns coronavirus impact on black Americans, but STILL won’t mention vitamin D deficiencies that are common among those with dark skin
The segment of the American population being most impacted by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is black people, for which President Donald Trump and his administration have expressed their sympathies. But why, then, isn’t the president trying to help African Americans stay better protected by encouraging them to get more vitamin D? During a recent press […]
By Ethan Huff
Why isn’t Trump demanding vitamin D production or anti-viral herbs for coronavirus?
Similar to what happens during times of war, some manufacturing companies in Europe are reportedly in talks with government officials about switching over their production lines to making supplies specifically needed to combat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But where are the similar calls from the Trump administration to produce things like vitamin C and […]
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